Health Exposed Podcast

Bridging the gap between Healthtech and the Patient Experience. | Join Tyler Cohen Wood on 'Health Exposed,' a podcast that intersects cybersecurity and patient experience. As a cybersecurity expert and a patient herself, Tyler unravels the complexities of digital healthcare. Covering everything from electronic health records to telemedicine, no topic is off-limits.

'Health Exposed' delves deeper than the technical aspects, sharing Tyler's own experiences as a patient and illuminating the human side of healthcare. Through interviews with experts, patients, and industry insiders, the podcast explores how technology is reshaping healthcare and provides insights into cyber threats and innovative solutions.

Whether you're involved in healthcare, tech, or just curious about the digital healthcare landscape, 'Health Exposed' is both informative and engaging. Join us on this journey to bridge the gap between cybersecurity and patient care, confidently navigating the future of healthcare."
Whether you're in healthcare, tech, or simply curious about the digital healthcare landscape, "Health Exposed" informs, entertains, and inspires. Join us on this journey to bridge the gap between cybersecurity and the patient experience, navigating the future of healthcare with confidence.